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by @pbrisbin on November 01, 2021

Freckle’s Graphula library helps you test Haskell code that interacts with a database. Its responsibility is to define and insert arbitrary values and their relations into the database ahead of running a test, while giving you control to tailor the data for that test’s needs, and to keep it all succinct and readable.

For a peek at what it can do, take this test:

describe "updateCourse" $ do
    it "sets values given" $ runDB $ do
        now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
        teacherId <- insert $ Teacher    -- <
            { teacherName = "foo"        -- <
            , teacherEmail = ""   -- <
            , teacherCreatedAt = now     -- <
            , teacherUpdatedAt = now     -- <
            , teacherDeletedAt = Nothing -- <
            }                            -- <
        --  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        --  Purely noise, irrelevant to the test

        courseId <- insert $ Course
            { courseTeacher = teacherId
        --    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        --    Hope you remember to get this bit right

            , courseName = "bar"
            , courseCreatedAt = now
            , courseUpdatedAt = now
            , courseArchivedAt = Nothing     -- <
            , courseArchivedReason = Nothing -- <
        --    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        --    The only actual setup for this test


            $ updateCourse courseId
            $ UpdateCourse
                  { archivedAt = now
                  , archivedReason = "reason"

        Just Course {..} <- P.get courseId
        courseArchivedAt `shouldSatisfy` isJust
        courseArchivedReason `shouldBe` Just "reason"

And see how Graphula resolves the test setup issues noted:

describe "updateCourse" $ do
    it "sets values given" $ graph $ do
        now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
        teacher <- node @Teacher () mempty
        --         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        --         Minimal noise

        course <- node @Course (onlyKey teacher) $ edit setCourseUnarchived
        --                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        --                      Clearer requirements    intention-revealing
        --                                              naming for the stuff
        --                                              that matters

            $ lift
            $ runDB
            $ updateCourse (entityKey course)
            $ UpdateCourse
                  { archivedAt = now
                  , archivedReason = "reason"

        Just Course {..} <- lift $ runDB $ P.get $ entityKey course
        courseArchivedAt `shouldSatisfy` isJust
        courseArchivedReason `shouldBe` Just "reason"

This post is a tutorial on Graphula; how to convert a project to it and make the most effective use of it. The examples are derived from an actual Pull Request in a personal, non-Freckle project that recently underwent this conversion, but they’ve been re-written to use Freckle’s domain models.

Example Domain

Freckle is in the Education space and has a rich data model from Districts to Students to Practice Sessions and the Content being practiced. Though we may mention (or make up) other models to convey particular points, we will center the main examples on School has many Teachers has many Courses.


We’ll assume you have a runDB function that you currently use in your tests, and that it accepts a SqlPersistT m a argument only. In other words, the connection pool it needs is coming from a Reader context and not passed explicitly. You can absolutely use Graphula if this is not the case, but the examples in this post won’t be showing it that way.

At Freckle, our runDB looks like:

    :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader env m, HasSqlPool env)
    => SqlPersistT m a
    -> m a

We’ll also assume you are using hspec-expectations-lifted, which puts all assertion functions into MonadIO m. This means we can call them without liftIO from within our Graphula expressions, which is how the examples here will show it.

Getting Started

As of this writing, Graphula version is available in the latest Stackage LTS, and version is on Hackage. That latter is the same code, only with improved documentation.

We recommend making a support module for use in any Graphula-enabled tests:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Freckle.Test.Graphula
    ( graph
    , onlyKey
    , generate
    , arbitrary
    , module Graphula
    ) where

import Freckle.Prelude

import Graphula
import Graphula.Arbitrary
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary

instance MonadFail m => MonadFail (GraphulaT n m) where
    fail = lift . fail

    :: HasSqlPool env
    => GraphulaT (YesodExample env) (YesodExample env) a
    -> YesodExample env ()
graph = void . runGraphulaT Nothing runDB

onlyKey :: Entity e -> Only (Key e)
onlyKey = only . entityKey

The Approach

Target a small test with one or two entities and convert it like so:

+import Freckle.Test.Graphula
 spec :: Spec
 spec = withApp $ do
     describe "rosteringAllows" $ do
-        it "always allows unarchived courses" $ runDB $ do
-            teacher <- insertTeacher "name" ""
-            course <- insertCourse teacher "name" False
-            shouldAllow course
+        it "always allows unarchived courses" $ graph $ do
+            teacher <- node @Teacher () mempty
+            course <- node @Course (onlyKey teacher) $ ensure $ not . courseIsArchived
+            lift $ runDB $ shouldAllow course

You can do this one it at a time, and we recommend you do. Attempting node will force you into Arbitrary and HasDependencies instances for the model, which we will dive into in the coming sections. The basic approach is to do this repeatedly for every it and every model in the system. This can take some time, but your suite should remain green and no concurrent work should be blocked while it is ongoing.


At Freckle, we’re huge fans of Generic-based deriving of instances and not hand-writing boilerplate, so let’s start there. First, make sure you’re deriving Generic for any models you want to do this for in config/models:

   name CourseName
   UniqueCourse name
-  deriving Eq Show
+  deriving Eq Show Generic

Then, install generic-arbitrary and:

import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Generic

-- ...

mkPersist sqlSettings $(persistFileWith lowerCaseSettings "config/models")

instance Arbitrary Course where
  arbitrary = genericArbitrary

If this works for you (or you otherwise have Arbitrary on your models), you’re pretty much done with this section. However, it’s likely you’ll hit missing instances for primitive types, such as Text or UTCTime.

Orphans vs newtypes

Orphan instances are to be avoided, full stop. While an application (vs a library) may be unlikely to hit the coherency issues that are the Actual Problem with orphan instances, they will drastically slow your team down through unnecessary recompilation. How this happens is complicated and nuanced and not worth discussing here, but because it is complicated and nuanced, all teams will eventually hit a size where they’re impacted, so a policy of avoidance is best.

Freckle aspires to have newtypes on basically all primitives. userEmail is not a Text, it’s an EmailAddress. courseCreatedAt is not a UTCTime it’s a CreatedAt (or a CreatedAt 'Course if you want to get fancy). answerAttempts is not a Natural, it’s an AttemptsCount. Not only will this avoid orphan instances, but it will bring a lot of clarity, safety, and flexibility throughout your project generally. We’ve never regretted a newtype.

That said, we live in the real world and sometimes you just can’t take on that effort all at once. So let’s assume you’ve thought long and hard and made a reasoned decision to go down the path of orphans. What then?

Here are some tips:

  1. Give them a home
  2. Try not to write them yourself

    quickcheck-instances is a package of orphan Arbitrary instances for common types like Text, UTCTime, and Natural. We recommend using this, rather than rolling our own.

  3. Beware the universe

    QuickCheck is really good at pushing edge-cases. If you are working with a list type, it is going to make sure your tests run with really small lists and really big lists. This is a good thing, but we’ve experienced some problematic outcomes.

    Once, we had a type with multiple levels of NonEmpty. Attempting good bounds checking, QuickCheck made some very big values (of very big values) for us, causing the test to hang or crash. And of course any Arbitrary-based failures are going to be intermittent, so it wasn’t trivial to track this down.

    A similar situation happens with Text: the instance, as it should, comes up with really strange and gobbledygook Text. Something that would never be accepted by us as a Course name, for example. This can again result in tests that fail or hang intermittently. If you are testing “for all Texts” on code that would never be asked to handle such Texts, you’re going to have a bad time.

    This is just another argument for newtypes where, for example, CourseName can have an Arbitrary instance that draws from a restricted character set and meets realistic length requirements. This leads to more realistic and reliable tests. And refining your types like this works in both directions, it allows your tests to be more accurate, but it also allows your business domain to be more effectively defined, pushing constraints further to the boundaries


When you generate some test data using node, its usage is:

{model} <- node @{ModelType} ({dependencies}) {modifier}

GHC can usually infer the type of a node expression, but we like to use TypeApplications to make it visible in the test. It’ll also make any mistakes show up as type errors at the point where your expectation is wrong, rather than multiple function-calls later, wherever inference ultimately got blocked.

It also means that if you’re not sure of a model’s dependencies, you can have GHC tell you:

session <- node @PracticeSession () mempty

Neglecting PracticeSessions dependencies here results in an informative error. Thanks compiler!

    • Couldn't match type ‘()’
                     with ‘(Subject, CourseName, Key Student)’
      Expected type: Dependencies PracticeSession
        Actual type: ()

How does GHC know this? Because we’ve defined a HasDependencies instance.

Imagine this (made-up) PracticeSession model looked like this:

  subject Subject
  course CourseName
  studentId StudentId

  completedAt UTCTime Maybe1
  duration Seconds Maybe
  accuracy Percentage Maybe

  deriving Eq Show Generic

Here would be the instance:

instance HasDependencies PracticeSession where
  type Dependencies PracticeSession = (Subject, CourseName, StudentId)

This is showing a few things:

  1. Dependencies that are not foreign keys

    The CourseName dependency is used instead of a CourseId. Hypothetically, we’ve chosen to loosely couple sessions to Courses by name – and Graphula works perfectly well with this.

  2. Dependencies that are not foreign anything

    We’ve also chosen to say the Subject (e.g. “math”) is a dependency, even though that’s a value that doesn’t point to any related table. We can still make that attribute required in node by calling it a dependency like this.

  3. Inferred order

    The order of the types in the Dependencies “tuple” must match the order they are defined in the model for the generic-based implementation to work.

    Under the hood, this is defining a dependsOn method for you. If necessary, you can drop down and define it yourself to do whatever you need.

For completeness, here are some other styles of instance:

-- A model with no dependencies
instance HasDependencies School where
  type Dependencies School = ()

-- A model with only one dependency, which is an actual DB foreign-key
instance HasDependencies Teacher where
  type Dependencies Teacher = Only SchoolId


Revisiting the node usage, let’s talk about {modifier} now.

{model} <- node @{ModelType} ({dependencies}) {modifier}

This argument is how you, well, modify the arbitrary data before it is inserted into the database. Its type is NodeOptions and it’s a Semigroup, which means different modifiers are combined with (<>) to apply one after the other. There are two main uses at the time of this writing:

Using Graphula Effectively

In Freckle, we’ve developed some patterns for using Graphula within our test suites. Graphula is a dense library with a lot of features and flexibility, and following standard patterns helps new Engineers get acclimated.

Factories over Fixtures

A Shared Fixture is a single value that is built at the start of a test suite and used repeatedly by different tests. A Factory, on the other hand, is a style of test data setup popularized by thoughtbot’s factory_bot gem in which recipes exist for various, well-named scenarios that can be called to produce fresh values for every test. The recipes also support arguments to further tailor the produced data for a given test.

We had a lot of Fixture-style tests before we had Graphula, and some have been converted mechanically to be Graphula-based but are still Fixture-like by always generating the same kind of value that is used from many tests. We try to avoid this in new code as we find it leads to coupling, test pollution, and Mystery Guest or Obscure Test smells.

Graphula very much favors a Factory-like approach if you just get out of its way, since node is a generalized data producer and its {modifier} is a generalized way to further tailor the produced data. We try to lean into that as much as possible.

Centralized Factories

Another thing we like to do is have a single {App}.Test.Factories module to hold all shared functions related to Graphula generation, or edit functions for the purposes of test setup. Otherwise, we find it difficult for Engineers to know if something exists to generate the data they need for their tests, and duplication often results.


We call abstractions over node “generators” because un-specified values are “generated” by Arbitrary. For this reason, we prefix any shared abstractions over node with gen.

These should be used sparingly. One anti-pattern we’ve found in our tests is a plethora of genThisWithThat and genThatWithoutThis functions. In these cases, in-lining the node calls and making use of the inherent readability of ensure or set-functions (see below) results in simpler code with less duplication.

We suggest reaching for a gen-function when:

One example where you could reach for a generator, but we advise caution is when you are generating a collection of models together. It is very attractive to have:

    :: GraphulaContext m '[School, Teacher, Course]
    => NodeOptions Teacher
    -> m (Entity Teacher)
genTeacherWithCourses options = do
  school <- node @School () mempty
  teacher <- node @Teacher (onlyKey school) options
  teacher <$ replicateM_ 3 (node @Course (onlyKey teacher) mempty)

This is all well and good, as long as:

If any of these are not true (and we find they usually are not), you are well on your way to some or all of the following pain:

There can be a time and a place to encapsulate generation of a “tree” of models together like this. And we absolutely have such functions in our code base (with and without said pain). All we’re saying is, be careful.


We recommend your most common Graphula-related abstraction not even be directly Graphula-related: well-named set-functions. This avoids a mess of gen-functions that make lots of internal assumptions or set up data in similar but subtly different ways, which leads to duplication or bugs.

It works because set-functions can be mixed and matched into any edit of any node call easily:

-- Bad
course1 <- genArchivedAndDisabledCourse
course2 <- genArchivedCourse

-- Almost...
course1 <- genArchivedCourse $ edit setCourseDisabled
course2 <- genArchivedCourse id

-- Good
course1 <- node @Course () $ edit $ setCourseArchived <> setCourseDisabled
course2 <- node @Course () $ edit $ setCourseArchived

Note that in this specific instance, ensure may be better anyway:

-- Best?
course1 <- node @Course () $ ensure courseIsArchived <> ensure (not . courseIsEnabled)
course2 <- node @Course () $ ensure courseIsArchived

set-functions and predicates can also be used in your implementation code and re-used in test setup. This further cuts down on refactor costs when (e.g.) the implementation of “archived” for a Course changes. It’s ideal if you only have to modify the test that is doing or checking archived-ness, and not also every other test that relies on a collaborating Course being archived or not. Haskell’s types alone can’t help you avoid Shotgun Surgery, all it can do is make you aware of every place you need to hit.

Wrapping Up

In this post, you learned a bit about Freckle’s Graphula library, walked through migrating a non-trivial project, and hopefully got exposed to some good patterns for testing database interactions in Haskell.

We’re proud of Graphula and it is working well for us, but we are just one use-case. If you’d like contribute, please don’t hesitate to get involved.

  1. Unfortunately, we have to define a different fieldLens for this to work. For more details, see this Issue

  2. While ensure can make for very readable examples, it can also be inefficient if it would take many generation attempts to hit the condition you are ensuring. In such cases, using edit to explicitly set up what you need is better.